
About Katfile

  1. Katfile.com is a cloud-based file hosting service that helps you upload, share, store and manage your files from any device and country throughout the world.
  2. The site is based in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong and was one of the earliest cloud storage services in the world.
  3. According to the management, Katfile.com is like an online Hard Drive where you can store, access, transfer and manage all your data and files whenever you want.
  4. There are no limits as to the types and sizes of files you can upload on the platform.
  5. You can upload photos, documents, music, videos, contacts and bookmarks and get instant access at any time.
  6. Apart from making sharing and accessibility of stored files much easier, Katfile.com helps you avoid potential inconveniences that may be caused by computer crashes and viruses.
  7. You can also control who views and downloads your shared files.
  8. The site’s UI is quite responsive and very user-friendly.
  9. All files and data uploaded to the site are encrypted to ensure only the uploader, or their approved viewers can access it, even in the event of a breach.
  10. Katfile also backs up user files in a remote server to facilitate easy access even during cloud outages.
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